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Revision as of 15:09, 14 March 2013

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KUC collection


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" Mycoremediation is a bioremediation process mediated by fungi. Because fungi have a variety of ecological and biological capacity in the environments, mycoremediation is actively investigated in these days as a potent bioremediation tool. For example, brown rot fungi can absorb heavy metals by chelating with oxalic acids while white rot fungi can degrade phenolic compounds (e.g dyes) from wastewater. For these mycoremedial applications, a wide range of fungi strains should be collected and examined.

However, known mycoremediation processes are still limited to a few well-known strains and no accessible online resources for fungal bioremediation are available yet.

For a systematic approach for mycoremediation, we developed a web-based mycoremediation information system based on the Korea University Culture Collection. The site includes a functional categorization of fungal strains based on the bioremediation specific molecular functions. The general information about strains and principles of mycoremediation are provided by text-mining and document analysis. This system will serve as a valuable resource to those who study mycoremediation and use fungi as a bioremediation tool."

KUC collection

KUC collection 설명

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